We pride oursel­ves on provi­ding excel­lent service.


Your device is acting up, Kuma­tec, fix it up

Repairs are always urgent, espe­ci­ally when an appli­ance in the kitchen or laun­dry room breaks down – this can be very annoy­ing. Our service experts will fix any fault quickly and easily. Report your damage online around the clock or give us a call and we will imme­dia­tely orga­nize all the neces­sary work. It does­n’t matter whether the appli­ances were purcha­sed from KUMA­TEC GmbH or else­where.
+41 71 553 24 77

Call us or report your claim directly online by clicking on the follo­wing link:

Profes­sio­nal assem­bly

Our quali­fied specia­lists will profes­sio­nally install your appli­ances. You can rely on our exper­tise and many years of expe­ri­ence.

Compre­hen­sive brand repairs

Repair of all brands from a single source: We offer fast and relia­ble repair services for appli­ances of all brands.

Free loaner devices

We repair your appli­ances on site when­ever possi­ble. In the event of major damage, we will provide you with free loan appli­ances such as washing machi­nes, refri­ge­ra­tors and free­zers. In the case of uneco­no­mical repairs, the loaned appli­ance can be exch­an­ged for a new one via KUMA­TEC free of charge. We are here for you.

Service for tenant chan­ges

In the event of a change of tenant or owner, we recom­mend checking the condi­tion of your appli­ances. Take advan­tage of our wide range of packa­ges and cont­act us for perso­nal service from our certi­fied tech­ni­ci­ans.

Elec­tric support

Our expe­ri­en­ced team offers profes­sio­nal trou­ble­shoo­ting and instal­la­tion services for your elec­tri­cal systems. Rely on us for fast and relia­ble solu­ti­ons to all your elec­tri­cal problems.

Inno­va­tive payment systems

Disco­ver our modern payment systems for apart­ment buil­dings, inclu­ding digi­tal payment systems, coin systems and pre-paid card systems. Simplify the manage­ment of your payments and offer your tenants flexi­ble and modern payment opti­ons.