Your expert for house­hold appli­ances and tech­no­logy ser­vice

About Us

Your partner for fast and reliable repairs

KUMATEC GmbHa name that means com­mit­ment. Since 2021, we have been on the road in Switz­er­land with great com­mit­ment, qua­li­fied solu­tions and fle­xible employees to meet your needs. We offer cus­to­mized solu­tions for every cus­tomer request. Whe­ther it’s small repairs or large pro­jects, we gua­rantee per­fect exe­cu­tion.

We under­stand that repairs are always urgent, espe­ci­ally when an appli­ance in the kit­chen or laundry room breaks down. Our ser­vice pro­fes­sio­nals are on hand to fix any damage quickly and easily. You can contact us online or by phone around the clock and we will imme­dia­tely orga­nize all the neces­sary work. It doesn’t matter whe­ther the appli­ances were purchased from KUMATEC GmbH or else­where.

Team of cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cians

Fair­ness, excel­lent ser­vice and the hig­hest qua­lity are the cor­ner­stones of our team of cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cians for house­hold appli­ances. We focus on your appli­ances. Rely on our many years of exper­tise for reliable main­ten­ance and repairs. We attach great importance to pro­vi­ding you with trans­pa­rent and fair advice – with no hidden costs.

KUMA: Stands for the founder and Mana­ging Director Manuel Kümin.
TEC: Sym­bo­lizes tech­no­logy and energy opti­miza­tion, a cen­tral focus of our com­pany.


Your reliable partner since 2021

We have been on the road for you in Switz­er­land since 2021 with a high level of com­mit­ment, qua­li­fied solu­tions and fle­xible employees. We offer solu­tions for every cus­tomer need. No job is too small, no pro­ject too big for us to handle per­fectly.


The sole pro­prie­tor­ship All­round Ser­vice Kümin was founded in 2021. From a garage in Sir­nach, com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices for large elec­trical appli­ances and elec­trical instal­la­tions were offered, inclu­ding ser­vice, sales, main­ten­ance and repair, by a ver­sa­tile all-rounder.


Thanks to our loyal cus­to­mers and the gro­wing volume of orders, it was neces­sary to expand our warehouse. For this reason, we moved to a new domicile in Wängi TG in 2023. In the same year, we also con­verted the sole pro­prie­tor­ship into a limited com­pany.


All­round Ser­vice Kümin GmbH has a name that says a lot, but does not exactly reflect our exper­tise. We have carefully con­sidered which name would be better suited to our ser­vices, while still reflec­ting our ori­gins and being easy to remember. From now on we will be ope­ra­ting under the name KUMATEC GmbH.

Inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies for modern house­hold appli­ances

House­hold appli­ances are beco­ming more energy-effi­cient every year, and pay­ment sys­tems are beco­ming incre­asingly tech­no­lo­gical. No more coins, no more top­ping up washing cards by jani­tors – ins­tead, direct con­nec­tions to the internet so that ten­ants can top up their credit using QR pay­ment slips or TWINT. All auto­ma­ti­cally and wit­hout tou­ching money.

Thanks to our many years of exper­tise in the house­hold sector, you are in the best hands with KUMATEC GmbH. We only stock qua­lity brands, as these are more cost-effec­tive and more satis­fying for our cus­to­mers in the long term.

We are a team of qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists in mecha­nics and elec­tro­nics who gua­rantee you first-class sup­port for your house­hold appli­ances. We will be happy to pro­vide you with per­sonal advice by tele­phone on 071 553 24 77.