Your device is
acting up,
Kumatec, fix
it up

Your spe­cia­list for house­hold appli­ances of all common brands.

KUMATEC GmbH has been offe­ring fle­xible and high-qua­lity con­s­truc­tion and ser­vices at fair prices for over 15 years. Our dedi­cated team deve­lops modern solu­tions that are indi­vi­du­ally tail­ored to your needs. Whe­ther main­ten­ance, white goods ser­vice or elec­trical repairs – one call is all it takes. Thanks to our partner com­pa­nies, we can find a pro­fes­sional solu­tion to any pro­blem. Let us con­vince you – KUMATEC GmbH.


Trade / Hotel industry

Repai­ring machines in the cate­ring sector is part of our ever­yday work. Whe­ther ref­ri­ge­ra­tion, free­zing, dish­wa­shing or the use of che­mi­cals – benefit from our exten­sive exper­tise and in-depth spe­cia­list know­ledge.


Our exper­tise also includes the repair of machines in the com­mer­cial sector. Whe­ther ref­ri­ge­ra­tion or free­zing – you can rely on our many years of expe­ri­ence and proven exper­tise.

Labo­ra­tory & Medical

We are your spe­cia­list for the repair of medical devices. Whe­ther ref­ri­ge­ra­tion or free­zing – with our exten­sive expe­ri­ence and state-of-the-art tech­no­logy, we ensure that your devices are ready for use again in the shor­test pos­sible time. Your safety and satis­fac­tion are our top prio­rity.

Pro­fes­sional assembly

Our qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists will pro­fes­sio­nally install your appli­ances. You can rely on our exper­tise and many years of expe­ri­ence.

Com­pre­hen­sive brand repairs

Repair of all brands from a single source: We offer fast and reliable repair ser­vices for appli­ances of all brands.

Free loaner devices

We repair your appli­ances on site when­ever pos­sible. In the event of major damage, we will pro­vide you with free loan appli­ances such as washing machines, ref­ri­ge­ra­tors and free­zers. In the case of une­co­no­mical repairs, the loaned appli­ance can be exch­anged for a new one via KUMATEC free of charge. We are here for you.

Ser­vice for tenant changes

In the event of a change of tenant or owner, we recom­mend che­cking the con­di­tion of your appli­ances. Take advan­tage of our wide range of packages and contact us for per­sonal ser­vice from our cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cians.

Elec­tric sup­port

Our expe­ri­enced team offers pro­fes­sional trou­ble­shoo­ting and instal­la­tion ser­vices for your elec­trical sys­tems. Rely on us for fast and reliable solu­tions to all your elec­trical pro­blems.

Inno­va­tive pay­ment sys­tems

Dis­cover our modern pay­ment sys­tems for apart­ment buil­dings, inclu­ding digital pay­ment sys­tems, coin sys­tems and pre-paid card sys­tems. Sim­plify the manage­ment of your pay­ments and offer your ten­ants fle­xible and modern pay­ment options.



Request a quote, describe your con­cerns.

On-site inspec­tion for repair requi­re­ments.

Have the repair car­ried out.

Brands and ser­vice part­ners

Recom­mended 100% by cus­to­mers


Appoint­ment &

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