We recom­mend only the best

Part­ners & Recs

Our recom­men­da­ti­ons for you

We recom­mend the follo­wing compa­nies, which are charac­te­ri­zed by outstan­ding quality and relia­bi­lity. These compa­nies offer first-class services and products. Bene­fit from their expe­ri­ence and disco­ver a selec­tion of our trus­ted recom­men­da­ti­ons here.

key and carpen­try service

Open with us! For your secu­rity. Do you need an urgent emer­gency opening or have you lost your key? We can be on site quickly in the Winter­thur area and offer you our services imme­dia­tely. Be it a door opening, a cylin­der repair or a cylin­der repla­ce­ment.
+41 52 229 81 13

Schütz Schlüs­sel- und Schrei­ner­ser­vice GmbH
Schüt­zen­strasse 1
8400 Winter­thur

Dome­stic plum­bing & heating

Masa has been carry­ing out high-quality work in the field of sani­tary and heating tech­no­logy since 1989. We offer plan­ning of conver­si­ons and reno­va­tions as well as various repair and main­ten­ance services at fair prices. Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we still know how the old systems work, as well as the new ones with digi­tal expan­sion. We adapt the instal­la­ti­ons to the wishes of our custo­mers. (Almost) no wish is unful­fillable.
+41 44 831 00 00

Masa Haus­tech­nik Sani­tär und Heizun­gen
Glär­nisch­weg 11
8604 Volkets­wil

SempliSte Design

A little crazy is perfectly normal. I create indi­vi­dual adver­ti­sing media with your logo with love and passion. Whether for a company event, sports compe­ti­tion or promo­tio­nal gift, we are sure to find the right one. – Car lette­ring (foil tech­no­logy) – Various adver­ti­sing media (subli­ma­tion) – Labe­l­ing of shirts, bags … (foil technology/sublimation) – perso­na­li­zed gifts (casting, candle lette­ring, subli­ma­tion, foil tech­no­logy)
by Comito
+41 00 000 00 00

SempliSte Design by Comito
Ober­strasse 201
9000 St. Gallen

Dog school

A fami­liar, harmo­nious and rela­xed rela­ti­onship between humans and dogs. On the trai­ning ground and also on walks, I am happy to pass on all my know­ledge and tips on how you can build a special rela­ti­onship with your dog while having fun and without pres­sure. My group cour­ses are kept small so that I can respond better to each indi­vi­dual.
+41 77 406 12 72

Hunde­schule Barts
Tannen­strasse 16
9300 Witten­bach

Elec­tric support

From the socket to the medium-voltage system, we are your elec­tri­cian in Winter­thur! We offer custo­mi­zed and inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons for complex elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­ons as well as their main­ten­ance and opera­tion for indus­trial, resi­den­tial and commer­cial buil­dings. We are in conti­nuous dialog with our custo­mers to imple­ment indi­vi­dual wishes quickly and satis­fac­to­rily.
+41 52 260 33 60

WIN Elek­tro AG
Klos­ter­strasse 17
8406 Winter­thur

Graphics and web

We are a graphic design and web agency in Wil and offer a wide range of graphic design services and website crea­tion. From logo and print design to modern, respon­sive websites – we imple­ment your visi­ons crea­tively and profes­sio­nally. We attach great importance to quality, user-friend­li­ness and appe­al­ing aesthe­tics. Let’s work toge­ther to streng­then your brand and make it successful online.
+41 77 498 46 89

Design­puls Grfaik und Web
9500 wil